About Us

ACS infuses engineering with imagination. The company offers wide range of advance solution in the field of Automation for water supply and industrial equipments as well as domestic also (engineering, construction, electrical automation). As a manufacturer, we adopt our technology and customize our products for specialized applications our open platform strategy ensures that our products are flexible scalable and compatible with leading brands in the industry. As a system solutions manufacturer for Automation, We build reliable products designed to survive harsh industrial and domestic. A State -Of- Art technology that takes care of your Day by Day water problems. It is a crying need to save every drop of water and energy, since it is a hope of life in future. This necessary has whipped us to invent water pump controllers with most recent technologies capable for water and energy.
ACS offers you highly sophisticated and reliable solutions by using latest and advance technology a concept in water management systems. It is the safest and complete failure proof solution for long life and trouble free operations of the motor pumps.


Our Vision & Mission

  • To provide products which meet highest quality & safety norms by using latest technology.
  • With total team work we aim at delivery the products on time to become global manufacture and supplier of process measuring instruments.
  • Each customer is treated with dignity and respect.
  • We offer all employees the opportunity for professional as well as personal growth.